Reduce Harm Inc.

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We All Need Help to Realize What We Want Most.

Harm Reduction Services: Bringing Change, Saving Lives and Empowering People

Mark Jenkins
“Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla viverra.”

Mark Jenkins, Founder

Harm Reduction Services: Bringing Change, Saving Lives and Empowering People

Welcome to Reduce Harm Inc, your leading harm reduction organization dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals and communities. We are proud to offer a wide range of services aimed at bringing harm reduction strategies to scale. Discover how we are transforming lives through our comprehensive initiatives:


Overdose Prevention

At Reduce Harm Inc, we are committed to preventing overdoses and saving lives. Our evidence-based overdose prevention programs focus on empowering individuals with life-saving tools and knowledge, ensuring a safer and healthier community. We offer Naloxone training that is intertwined with Safer Use and Risk Reduction.

Syringe Access Implementation:

We firmly believe in harm reduction as a fundamental approach to public health. Our syringe access programs provide a safe and discreet environment for individuals, ensuring access to sterile syringes and reducing the risks associated with drug use. We fully train staff in working with the public, local officials and individuals to be able to provide the safest environment and best outcomes for all involved.

Training & Capacity Building:

Our Training Center and Online Training Institute offer comprehensive programs designed to equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement effective harm-reduction practices. We offer training in Safer Use & Risk Reduction, Overdose Prevention, Recognition & Response, Outreach, Language to reduce the impact of unintentional harm, Safer Bathroom and how to set one up for your community, Bloodborne Pathogens and more. Please join us in creating a well-informed and empowered network of advocates.

Policy & Advocacy:

Reduce Harm Inc is at the forefront of the harm reduction movement, advocating for progressive drug policies that respect the rights and dignity of people who use drugs. Our policy experts work tirelessly to create real change on local, regional, and national levels.

Speaking/Training Engagements:

Our team of passionate speakers is available to engage and educate audiences on harm reduction, drug policy reform, and community empowerment. Trainings’ are developed to deal with each individual organization’s needs and wants within a Harm Reduction framework. We have found that many orgs provide training with a cookie cutter approach that we do not find beneficial for everyone’s real world application. Work with our experts to develop and book the right training for your staff or next event and inspire positive change.

Work in Action:

Experience the impact of harm reduction in action through our various community-based projects. Witness firsthand how our initiatives are creating a safer, more compassionate and equitable environment for all.

Policy & Advocacy:

Reduce Harm Inc is at the forefront of the harm reduction movement, advocating for progressive drug policies that respect the rights and dignity of people who use drugs. Our policy experts work tirelessly to create real change on local, regional, and national levels.

Speaking/Training Engagements:

Our team of passionate speakers is available to engage and educate audiences on harm reduction, drug policy reform, and community empowerment. Trainings’ are developed to deal with each individual organization’s needs and wants within a Harm Reduction framework. We have found that many orgs provide training with a cookie cutter approach that we do not find beneficial for everyone’s real world application. Work with our experts to develop and book the right training for your staff or next event and inspire positive change.

Work in Action:

Experience the impact of harm reduction in action through our various community-based projects. Witness firsthand how our initiatives are creating a safer, more compassionate and equitable environment for all.

At Reduce Harm Inc, we firmly believe in the power of harm reduction to create a healthier, more inclusive society. We are a peer led organization and all of our stakeholders have lived experience. Join us in our mission to embrace, educate, empower, and equip individuals and communities for a brighter future and better health outcomes for those that we serve.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how you can be a part of the harm reduction movement. Together, we can make a difference.


What Clients Are Saying

Save a Life - Harm Reduction

Good morning, gentlemen!

I wanted to give you an update on the harm reduction program. It has grown so quickly!!! We have people coming from almost an hour away. Mark, your advice on utilizing people who use drugs for distribution has worked brilliantly for us in so many ways. 

Thank you both so much for making this happen in my little neck of the woods! It is making a huge impact on many lives, and we are grateful for you! 


Kelly Cookson (she/her/hers)

Save A Life Recovery Resource Center, Inc