Reduce Harm Inc.

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RHI supports organizations in implementing the Ambassador Training Program. Originated and developed by the CTHRA, the Ambassador Program recruits, trains, and supports PWUD, most often program participants, who bring the knowledge and wisdom of lived experience and the cultural affinity of being from the very communities we serve.

Ambassadors meet people “where they are at,” building trust, learning about unique needs and opportunities, and are especially committed to reliably meeting the expressed wishes of the people we serve. Ambassadors are specially trained in overdose prevention, safer use practices, and crisis intervention, conducting brief assessments, providing materials and information, linkage and navigation to services, maintaining health and safety standards, and ensuring confidentiality and respect. Ambassadors have repeatedly demonstrated themselves as the “secret sauce” for engaging our most vulnerable community members.

Ambassador Program


RHI supports organizations in implementing the Ambassador Training Program. Originated and developed by the CTHRA, the Ambassador Program recruits, trains, and supports PWUD, most often program participants, who bring the knowledge and wisdom of lived experience and the cultural affinity of being from the very communities we serve.

Length of Training: Depending on Scope of Needs

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