Reduce Harm Inc.

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RHI Rover Program

Rover is a self-contained storage unit on wheels with easy access to compartments containing all manner of SSP-related supplies. 

As of 2023, there are over 50 Rovers in use serving roughly 26 Communities in a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings, including Drop-In Centers, Outpatient Treatment Programs, FQHCs, Mental Health Centers, Infectious Disease programs, Re-entry programs, and more.

What’s Included With The Rover Unit


  • Syringes (multiple gauges) 
  • Safe Injection supplies
  • Wound care supplies
  • Safe consumption kits
  • Safe smoking kits
  • Safe sex items
  • Overdose prevention items
  • Sharps containers (various sizes)
  • Zips
  • Education pamphlets (tailored)
  • Fentanyl test strips (as permitted)

Training and Orientation:

  • RHI provides Rover with training and orientation to include Harm Reduction 101, Intro to Rover & Supplies, Best Practices, Data Collection -Person. Duration: 2 Days.
  • RHI provides regular check-in with each site/Champion to provide Technical Assistance for up to 8 months.
  • RHI facilitates multi-site Community-of-Practice convenings with all sites to share experiences and promote continuous quality improvement.
  • RHI offers training and technical assistance in support of new and existing organizations, including those partners seeking to integrate harm reduction principles into their professional practices.


Learn more about our other training offerings

Why Participate In The Rover Program ?

Harm Reductionists created The Rover For Harm Reductionists, and it has proven to be an innovative engagement tool for facilitating materials, information, and support. 

With the expertise of the RHI Board of Directors, Rover is:

  • A well-established, turnkey, and scalable model that can be deployed in any setting without disrupting established services.
  • A self-contained, multi-compartmental unit on wheels outfitted with a full range of harm reduction supplies organized into accessible compartments for efficient inventory control and easy to navigate in and out of private and public spaces.
  • A securable, with 2 external locks, the model can be adapted to any setting.
  • Supported with Technical Assistance: RHI provides Training, Implementation, and Continuous Quality Improvement Support and alignment of services and supplies based on local needs and legal environments.

With 17 SSPs already engaged, RHI has provided initial orders for Rovers and supplies in California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota (White Earth Nation), Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma (Cherokee Nation), Tennessee, Texas, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Interested in participating in the Rover Program? Request a Rover today! 

*Disclaimer: In the case of a recall, RHI will notify any program partners and clients to dispose of supply items; RHI will replace the same item with a non-recalled version.