Reduce Harm Inc.

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SSPs distribute sterile syringes, safer drug use supplies, and education to people who inject drugs. These harm reduction programs are proven to reduce HIV and HCV infection rates by about 50%.

SSPs prevent overdose deaths by teaching people who inject drugs how to prevent overdose and how to recognize, respond to, and reverse a drug overdose by providing training on how to use naloxone, a medication used to reverse an overdose. Many SSPs provide “overdose prevention kits” containing naloxone to people who inject drugs.

Nearly thirty years of research shows comprehensive SSPs are safe, effective, and cost-saving.

Remedy Alliance For The People

Remedy Alliance's work Access to naloxone isn’t just a funding issue. Barriers to accessing low-cost naloxone are a result of the decades-long war on drugs. We’re working to eliminate barriers from three different angles:

Points Of Distribution

Points of Distribution Marketplace is a full service harm reduction marketplace focused on providing services & supplies to the HR community.



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*Information provided by the National Harm Reduction Coalition and the CDC.