Reduce Harm Inc.

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GET INVOLVED with Harm Reduction

Volunteering is one of the many ways to help support Harm Reduction and SSP programs.


One of the many ways to help support Harm Reduction and SSP programs is through volunteering. Something as simple as making a kit can make a large impact in the vast range of Harm Reduction efforts. 

Volunteering is important, not only for the community at large, but to feel connected to those that are in need of services like RHI’s. Community connection is one of the main reasons Harm Reduction exists outside of its principles.

We can’t help the community without you. Donating your time is as equally valuable as in-kind donations! For times and locations, please contact EMAIL.

Who can volunteer?

RHI is committed to the health and safety of both our participants and our volunteers. To that end, we ask that all volunteers follow the guidelines outlined below.

  • Age:

    In general, all volunteers must be at least 16 years old and must be accompanied by an adult (unless discussed and approved beforehand with RHI). Please note that while we encourage all children to learn about harm reduction, most volunteer opportunities and the general environment of our program may not be appropriate for very young children.

  • Dress:

    Dress appropriately for (1) sitting for long periods (if making kits) and (2) dressing for the weather (if volunteering outside). We encourage all volunteers to wear a t-shirt (we do not encourage tank tops) and pants (jeans, athletic wear); sweatshirts/jackets are good to bring depending on the weather. Everyone should wear closed shoes. Make sure your clothing is comfortable and the type of clothing in which you can move easily.

  • Gloves:

    Those working with food, whether in preparation or serving, should wear gloves. We can provide gloves if needed.

  • Masks:

    Masks are encouraged when volunteering—it’s harm reduction!

  • Use of multimedia:

    RHI strictly prohibits using multimedia recording devices (audio, video, photography, etc.) to capture information about our participants and clients without written consent. (Please do not take photos or record videos or audio of our participants.) We consider this to be as much a matter of privacy as dignity. However, we recommend posting photos and social media outside of program hours.


If you have any physical or other restrictions, please let us know in advance so that we can do our best to accommodate you. For more information, please contact